"bow sight lens"
Whether your eyes are like an Eagle or a Rhino,
this bow sight lens will still give you an advantage.
Many of the adjustable bow sights today have a small lens with a dot or pin in the center of the lens. This lens moves up and down with the pin as the sight is adjusted.
Although this is often a big help to those who have less than 20/20 vision, some of these lenses are only around 20mm in diameter and only allow you to see a portion of the target, others are slightly bigger, but still present the problem of the sight window moving up or down. This moving up or down can cause you to slightly alter your anchor point, this is because you need to follow the sight window through the peep.
The Suresight comes standard with a sight window lens that is optional for you to use if you need it. This allows you see the complete sight picture "magnified".
Some people who have good enough vision use the lens anyway because of the way it clears up and magnifies the target, Others may look through the lens and see it magnified but, a blurry, this means that you would need to install a clarifier in your peep.
Either way at the end of the day the lens is a huge advantage and could cost an arm or a leg to have fitted on an alternate sight, and then you would still need to make sight tapes install sight light etc.
With the Suresight, the lens is now part of the package,
and there are all the necessary corresponding programs to accommodate for the lens.
This lens can be fitted to the V6 which has a rangefinder and the V6.1 which you can manually input the distance and alternate between multi-pin and single-pin adjustable.
I have tried the lens and whilst it does certainly magnify the target nicely, my sight window is blurry for me. Obviously I need the clarifier in my peep. Does Sure Sight supply or sell peep clarifiers?
Well I am using a lens and found it to be a huge advantage